Thursday 8 January 2015

An Introduction

I still do not understand what force has driven me to create this so called "blog" - perhaps it was a calling, divine intervention from the man upstairs; perhaps it was the voices in my head urging me to do something for the good of man kind; or perhaps I just needed something to do other than filling my days with cheap drinks and pills...

I don't know why I'm here writing, but what I do know, is that I am. For whatever pointless reason, I am here, and I am writing, and I am ready to pour out my heart and soul. That's assuming I have one.

So this is me; Pouring my heart onto paper, in search of something that I've yet to event think of.

Let's start with the basics, I guess. At 18 years old, my life couldn't get more exciting. Not only do I spend my days working in a mortgage company for below minimum wage, but I also spend my nights sitting around drinking and wishing my life away, with just as little purpose. Living the high life, it seems.

There is little to show for my life up until this point. My achievements are minimal - college dropout (despite high intellectual ability), family failure, social reject. It's no wonder I've ended up here, spitting my thoughts out onto paper on a Thursday night.

But enough narcissism for one night.

I guess this must be good bye, for now at least.